Speakers from Scintillations I through V have included:
- Peter Blau, ASH, BSI, Washington, DC. Peter is the leader of the Red Circle of Washington, DC, and was the keynote speaker for Scintillation I. He gave us a seal of approval by his presence and participation.
- William Hyder, BSI, Maryland. William and his wife, Norma, presented marvelous original skits for Scintillations I through III. His participation in and support of the Scintillation has been instrumental in our continued success.
- Steven Doyle, BSI, Indiana. Publisher at Gasogene Books/Wessex Press, Steve was our first vendor at Scintillation I. He has spoken at the Scintillation, and promotion for Steve's Sherlock Holmes for Dummies (Wiley Publishing) was a part of Scintillation weekend. Steve has been a staunch SoS supporter from the very beginning.
- Art Renkwitz, BSI, Maryland
- Don Curtis, BSI, Indiana
- Denny Dobry, Pennsylvania
- April Curnow, Maryland
- Stephen Seitz, Vermont
- Flo Spector, Pennsylvania
- Joel Ballard, Maryland
- Vincent Wright, Indiana
- Sam Stinson, Michigan
- Les Moskowitz, Florida
- Bob Cairo, Ohio
- Pat Ward, Indiana
- Margaret McMahon, Maryland
- Lorraine Reibert, Ohio
- Tracy Revels, North Carolina
- Henry Zecher, Wisconsin
- Jaime Mahoney, Maryland
- Beth Austin, Maryland
- Kristina Manente and The Baker Street Babes, international